Whether it’s the biggest wedding of the season or the most private affair, we’ll go a mile further to host you a beautiful wedding you hadn’t imagined was possible. Our experienced in-house wedding specialist.
The much awaited time for your perfect wedding is here. Let us curate your luxurious and intimate affair in the most exceptional way.”Marriage are made in heaven”,But you can experience an Indian Marriage in all its authenticity at Kasturi, Yes you have heard it right.
Dreams to craft an unforgettable celebration, even better than you could have imagined! We care to tailor-make your every arrangement so that you could have a wonderful celebration.Weave your love story without a single worry!! Start your journey with the most iconic venue with jaw dropping wedding setup,fingerlicking food and management to help you from tip to toe! Leave all your worries behind at one of the best wedding venue in jodhpur.Lets organise your luxury wedding with a dash of royalty and elegance ,Our Wedding professionals are here to make your dream come true! Get your own customised package. Lets begin the planning of your perfect beginning.
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Pal –By-Pass
Road, Jodhpur-342014,
Rajasthan, India.
Reception.: 0291-2766181
Enquiry.: +91 80940 08346